Monday, December 28, 2009

The Shelter

December 28, 2009 I thought you might enjoy this from

From: Melissa Taylor

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."

Psalm 91:1 (NIV)


It happened again. My sweet ten year-old son came home from school deeply wounded. Some kids at school who were making fun of him and calling him names. My heart broke as I tried to comfort my worn down gift from God, my beloved son.

When Dylan was just one year-old, he had surgery on his head. This surgery left a scar that is visible. It really never bothered him much because he can't see it. He's always known it was there, but since it was out of sight, it was out of mind. Until someone else reminded him it was there, pointed out that it looked weird, and then a few others joined in. Their words pierced my son's heart and he needed a safe place to hide.

I prayed for Dylan and tried to explain why some people say things that are hurtful. I did all I could do to comfort him, but after all my efforts, he still came back to the same feelings of not fitting in. I will never forget how helpless I felt as a parent as I listened to him cry for hours begging God to take away the hurt.

My husband called Dylan upstairs to our bedroom. I noticed after a while how quiet it was in the house. Peace seemed to have settled over our home. I walked upstairs to make sure everything was alright and what I saw brought tears to my eyes. There they were, father and son, tucked into a fort, a shelter, that Jeff had built for Dylan. He called it Dylan's Den. It was equipped with blankets, pillows, a roof, and the arms of his father. Dylan was lying in his daddy's arms with the most peaceful and content look on his face. The man Dylan trusts most of all came to his rescue and provided a refuge, a place of protection for him. What a beautiful example of our Father's love. I will never forget it as long as I live.

When the world is cruel, we need to remember that we all have our Father's shelter that we can run to. There He waits, ready and willing for us to come into His arms to provide us with the security and protection we need. And as our key verse states, when we dwell in His shelter, we will find rest. God never promises that we will be free from trouble, but He does promise His help whenever we experience trouble.

Are you experiencing doubt, disappointment, fear, or trouble? Remember that God's arms are open wide. The security of His shelter is there for you.

Dear Lord, Thank you for being my shelter and refuge that I can always run to. Help me to seek shelter and refuge in You alone. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Related Resources:

Visit Melissa's Blog for tips on how to comfort your hurting child, more power verses, and a chance to win a free book.

When Your Child is Hurting by Glynnis Whitwer

Have You Found Shelter in God's Love?

Application Steps:

Find some time today to seek shelter in the arms of your Father. Tell Him all your are going through and then trust Him to take care of you.


When trouble comes your way, where do you seek shelter?

Do you trust God to protect you in all circumstances?

Isn't it a great feeling knowing that you have God as your refuge?

Power Verses:

Psalm 46:1, "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." (NIV)

Psalm 18:2, "The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." (NIV)

© 2009 by Melissa Taylor. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

This Week @ Silver Run

~ Tuesday, Dec. 15th- Adult Children's Workers decorating for Children's Party @ 6:00pm (ET)

~ Wednesday, Dec. 16th- Prayer and Worship @ 7:00pm (ET)

~ Wednesday, Dec. 16th- Children's "Happy Birthday Jesus Party" @ 7:00pm (ET)

~ Friday, Dec. 18th- Joy Class and Youth Leader's Christmas Party @ 7:00pm (ET)

~ Sunday, Dec. 20th- Youth Ice Skating @ 2-3:30pm (ET)...Cost: $10

~ Sunday, Dec. 20th- Church Council Meeting @ 4:00pm (ET)

~ Sunday, Dec. 20th- Christmas Contata @ 6:00pm (ET)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Great Job Silver Run Children and Leaders!

The Christmas Program was GREAT! To God be the Glory!

Remember Kids Weds is the Happy Birthday to Jesus Party! Come and bring a friend or two!

Grow in God's Word Sunday....we have a Bible Study Class for you at 9:45 and 5PM.

Worship Sunday Morning will FOCUS our minds on the GLORY GOD is Due from each of us for the wonderful gift He Gave us of Jesus. Like the Shepherds, we have MUCH to be in PRAISE about!

Then Sunday Evening we will have our Adult Choir Christmas Canata at 6PM. Be there and bring as many guests as you can. Let them KNOW Jesus Loves Them!

In Jesus' Love, Pastor Kip

Monday, November 23, 2009

Updates This Week

  • Monday, November 23rd- Outreach & Visitation @ 6:30 pm (ET)
  • Tuesday, November 24th- Community-wide Thanksgiving Service at Silver Run @ 7:00 pm (ET)
  • Wednesday, November 25th- No Services...No Vans will be running.
  • Thursday, November 26th- Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Sunday, November 29th- 5th Sunday Singing @ 6:00 pm (ET)! See Mrs. Pam if you want to sing!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Update for Saturday: Bake Sale and Youth for Hire

Here is an update from Debra Sellers...

Just a friendly reminder that the Sisterhood Bake sale is this Saturday. We welcome donations from any of the ladies in the church that would like to participate.

Desserts of: Cakes, brownies, pies, etc….can be brought tonight (Wednesday) if it is freezable, OR if you would like to bring it by the church this Friday night from 6:00-7:00 pm. I will be there for an hour to allow people to drop their goodies off in Silver Run Fellowship hall. We will be taking a cooler Sat. for the pies. If you live in town and would like to bring it by Saturday morning, we should be at our booth and set up between 7:30 – 8:00. If you would like to ride to Lee County Flea market with us, give me or Carol Nance a call before Saturday morning.

We will also try to sell more of our cookbooks at our booth as well. Let your friends know we will be there. Good time to buy a cookbook for a Christmas Gift, or a baked item for their thanksgiving. Our booth will be one of the booths that will have a top over it.

This sale is to build up our Sisterhood account, so we can continue to do mission work where it is needed.
If you can donate some goodies it will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you and Blessings to you all!

P.S. this is a freebie for the youth ministry. Youth for Hire this Saturday, if you need yard work done or anything else, you can hire a youth for the day. Just give Shane Conners a call or email him at

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday's Worship Services

You are invited to a special Church Service tonight @ 7:00 pm (ET).

The Adults and Youth will meet in the Sanctuary with a special speaker for tonight.

The Children will meet in the Youth Building for their service.

Please make sure you come and see what God has waiting just for you! You will be blessed!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Events for Saturday, October 31, 2009

  1. Youth's Annual Flag Football Game will begin @ 11:00 am (ET) at RCHS's Football Field
  2. Fall Festival at Silver Run Baptist from 5:00-7:30 pm (ET)

Please join us for:
Trunk or Treat
Horseback Riding
Jumping Fun
Chili Dogs and Cotton Candy
Prizes given for best costumes
Prize given for best trunk
(Please, no evil or scary costumes.)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Updates for Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Friday and Saturday October 23rd - 24th, 2009

  1. Youth-- Girls will be going to the Revolve Tour in Atlanta after school and will return Saturday night around 9:00 pm (ET).
  2. Brotherhood-- will have a to Men and Women and their families. Sign-up is required. Food will be provided. Please bring your own non-alcoholic drink. (Ex. Tea, Soda, etc.) (See Dr. Parry for more details).

Sunday, October 25th, 2009

  1. Fellowship Luncheon after Morning Worship Service...please bring enough food to feed your family and a few more!
  2. Puppet Practice after Lunch

Monday, October 19, 2009

We are so Blessed to see GOD MOVING at Silver Run and Beyond. This weekend was a flurry of activity for God's People. The Sisterhood met on Friday night for Fellowship and making plans for the Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child! This is where shoe boxes are filled with gifts for children across the world. It is a GREAT Ministry.

Our Youth kept busy as they normally do! Pastor Shane took a group to Judgment Journey on Friday Night. Then on Saturday Morning, the Youth joined the Brotherhood and others to put a new roof on a house for God's Glory! No they weren't done yet, they spent the afternoon bagging groceries at Winn-Dixie to raise funds to go and HELP people! Working to that's showing the LOVE of Jesus!

Another group of Silver Run Saints spent Saturday putting up a sign to REACH SOULS for JESUS as they travel down the busy HWY 431. We have wanted a sign there for years and God not only let us put a sign up, HE GOT THE PROPERTY for the Church. God has AMAZING Plans! Now thousands, upon thousands will see a message reminding them that, Jesus Loves You!

Then Sunday began with GREAT Bible Study, followed by AWESOME Spirit-led Worship! After Worship, we were Blessed at a luncheon to honor the leaders of the Church. That was also led by the Youth.

Sunday afternoon, one of our newest and widely loved ministries came at 3PM to practice. That is our Puppet Team. They are Reaching others with the LOVE of Jesus. It is a wonderful minisitry that Blesses the toddlers to the Senior Saints.

Then we had Bible Study again at 5PM and another meaningful time of Worship at 6PM. After Worship, the Choir stayed on to practice!

Yes it was a GREAT Weekend for God's Glory! Now we look forward to serving Jesus in a new week. Whatever He has planned, we are for it!

Reach One More for Jesus,

In Jesus' Love, Pastor Kip

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Church Meetings on Sunday!

October 18, 2009

  • Puppet Practice @ 3:00 pm (ET)
  • Church Council Meeting @ 4:00 pm (ET)

Youth Fundraiser at Winn-Dixie in Columbus

The Youth will be bagging groceries today from 2-6 pm (ET) at Winn-Dixie in Columbus. They are raising funds for next years Mission Serve in Michigan. Please, come out and help support the Youth!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fellow Saints,

“Enoch walked with God”

Genesis 5:24

“The test of a man's life and character is not what he does in the exceptional moments of life, but what he does in the ordinary times, when there is nothing tremendous or exciting on. The worth of a man is revealed in his attitude to ordinary things when he is not before the footlights (John 1:36).” - Oswald Chambers

What we do on an ordinary day matters greatly to Jesus. GOD has specific plans for us each day. Whether we are at Work, at School, with our Families, hanging out with our friends or just alone, GOD is very interested in us. He LOVES us beyond our understanding and wants the very best for us. There are no boring ordinary days for the Child of God. With God each day has its own unique purpose and possibilities. Let God BLESS you today as you Serve Him and Seek to Reach Others.

You are much more than Ordinary to God you are extraordinary. We know this because GOD The Father sent Jesus, His Only Son, to die for your sins. That shows you are most valuable. Have a Blessed week as you do extraordinary things for God’s Glory!

"This is the day the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24

Jesus Loves You and I do too,

Kip McKee
Pastor, Silver Run Baptist Church
706/577-6843 cell phone

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fellow Saints,

Let’s keep stretching toward God’s Best by Keeping His Word. We CAN DO IT! Don’t let Satan hinder or defeat you. We are OVERCOMERS through the POWER of JESUS!

Here is a quote that we need to remember as Satan seeks to get us to settle for less than God’s Best,

"Let's not drag God's standard of truth down to our level of performance."

-- Morris Vendon

"This is the day the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24

Jesus Loves You and I do too,

Kip McKee
Pastor, Silver Run Baptist Church
706/577-6843 cell phone

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I PRAISE God for a wonderful day at SRB! God is MOVING in our midst and pouring out His Blessings as we are Faithful to Him.

Jesus has WONDERFUL plans for us that we can only experience one FAITHFUL step at a time. Let's take those FAITH Steps and see where God's Path Leads!

In Proverbs 2:6-10 God tells us,

"For the LORD gives wisdom, and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. He holds victory in store for the upright, He is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for He guards the course of the just and protects the way of His faithful ones. Then you will understand what is right and just and fair—every good path. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul."

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Gene Ray's Memorial Service will be at Silver Run Baptist on Monday at 7PM (EST). His Graveside Service will be Tuesday at 12 noon at Lakeview Cemetary.

Jody's Mom's Visitation will be Tuesday from 6PM to 8PM at Vance Chapel in Phenix City. Jody is new to SRB, please go and pray for him if possible.

God is our Comforter! Let Jesus Comfort you. See below to post a tribute to Brother Gene Ray.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Here is an email from Pastor Kip about Gene Ray:

Gene Ray, a pastor, friend and faithful man of God went to be with Jesus today at 10:16AM (EST). Please pray for his family. No arrangements are known for the funeral or visitation. I will let you know.

If you have a memory of Brother Gene and would like to share it, please leave a comment at the bottom of this post. We would love to share it with others. Thank you and God bless you.

Monday, August 31, 2009

A Christian Choice

Are you confused to which movie to see; dvd to buy; music/artist to choose from; television show to watch or video game to buy for your family? There is hope for the Christian to be entertained and still keep our morals and values we uphold dearly. The site to check out is called Plugged In Online. It will give you all the information you need to choose the right entertainment for you and your family.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Weds Night F.U.E.L. Up^

We PRAISE JESUS for a Wonderful Wednesday Night Bible Study, Prayer Time and Fellowship time with one another. The verse by verse study of Colossians is wonderful. Come and be a part of Wednesday Nights at Silver Run. Bring a friend and get your mid-week F.U.E.L .UP^!

F.U.E. L. Up stands for: a growing FAITH; UNITY as with other Belivers; EVANGELISTIC - leading everyone to reach out for Jesus; and it is all wrapped up in Jesus' LOVE.

When we do this we F.U.E.L. UP...The UP is living our lives with our eyes on Jesus and our Hearts on His Ministry.

F.U.E.L. UP at Silver Run! God has something to offer EVERYONE of EVERY AGE. Don't miss YOUR Blessing!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fellow Saints,

Below is a address to a web site with some great devotions,

I use several of them from time to time and normally 2 of them I read daily. Some of them I don’t read b/c I don’t agree with the author and others are not be the best, so choose carefully the ones you take into your daily life. Most of them are good.

Read these only AFTER you have read you Bible. Devotions in no way should take the place of God’s Word. They bring light to God’s Word and help us to view things from another standpoint. As a writer in the Daily Bread said, “If you are reading this devotion in place of God’s Word, throw the devotion away and READ God’s Word.”

In God’s Word, begin reading in JOHN and go to the back of the Bible. Read it with the goal to UNDERSTAND it, not just to rush through it so you can say you did it. The Holy Spirit will help you understand it as you go through it.

Again, read in John and then to the back of the Bible FIRST. Too many well meaning people begin their reading in Genesis and never make it through the Bible. It is BEST if we read the NEW Testament first and then read the Old Testament. All of it is God’s Word and valuable, helpful and life changing.

Take time to FEED yourself on God’s Word DAILY…just as we need food and water to be healthy, we need God’s Word to FILL our souls with His Goodness, His Guidance and His Will for our lives. Don’t STARVE yourself Spiritually!

We can get ALL of God we want. Let’s get to it and see what God has to say to benefit our lives and the lives of those around us!

Monday, August 17, 2009


We PRAISE JESUS for a Wonderful Day of WORSHIP and Bible Study at Silver Run Sunday. God is MOVING in our MIDST. Praise Him! We are Blessed to be a part of such a loving, giving, going Church.

Don't miss the Wednesday Night, "Mid-week pit stop at SRB!" There are wonderful Bible Study classes for ALL Ages. It is also a time we Bring our Prayer Requests Together to give them to God in Faith. GOD CAN DO ALL THINGS! Let go and Trust God!

We hope to see you soon,

Jesus Loves You & I do too,

Pastor Kip

Friday, August 14, 2009

Jesus simply says, "COME, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
Sunday is coming. It is the LORD'S Day. Nothing should hinder your Worship and Service to Jesus. Remember to REST on Saturday and be FULLY Awake on Sunday so you can Give God you very Best.
Clear your Sunday Schedule and just write in - God's Time at His Church with His People!
Please INVITE friends and family members to Worship and Study God's Word with you. Nothing is MORE important than Reaching Souls for Jesus.
To turn American around, we need God's People to TURN to God, NOW. It is TIME for us to COME Together to Worship, Study the Bible and to CHANGE our World for Jesus. Let God's CHANGE begin with you!
Jesus Loves you! Do your actions show Jesus you love Him?
The LOVE of Jesus Drives us to LOVE GOD & Others...LET'S Go!
See you Sunday, Pastor Kip

Thursday, August 13, 2009

WMU/Sisterhood News

Hello Ladies

Just a reminder to all of you about the next WMU/Sisterhood meeting on August 21st at the Silver Run Baptist Fellowship Hall. Time is 7 P.M. Eastern.

The menu theme this month is Mexican. Join us for a great girls night out. Child Care will be available.

I will be sharing with you about the WMU meeting I attended in July. It was great! AND...
I brought back some "free" literature for you. We will have a few surprise give aways again this month. Hmmm, wonder how to do that this time, maybe another quiz or what???

Jesus will be there with us according to Matthew 18:20 and I'm excited to hear from Him.
I love you and His blessins to you.

Monday, August 10, 2009



We are a LOVE DRIVEN Community of Believers. This LOVE is the LOVE of JESUS that looks beyond faults, overcomes hardships, loves GOD above ALL and LOVES one another as Jesus Leads!

Our Goal is to REACH OUT with God's Love to everyone we can. Ask yourself what can I do for Jesus Today! He wants to Work through you...will you let Him?

Christmas Musical

It is that time again. If you want to be a part of our Christmas Musical please let me know and we will get you the material. There is always room for you. If you don't want to be a part of the Musical please remember to pray for us as we prepare.

BlueGrass Music

August 23, 2009 EastWind Bluegrass Gospel will be at the 6:00 est service. Please come and join us.

Visitation is Tonight!

Visitation will be tonight @ 7:00 pm (ET). Everyone is invited to come join us as we go out and visit others.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Brotherhood Meets Sunday

Brotherhood will meet Sunday morning @ 7:30 am (ET). All men/boys are welcome to come fellowship and eat breakfast. Bring a friend and enjoy what God has planned for you!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Baby Shower

There will be a Baby Shower for Teresa McLean (Cheryl and Rudy Boutwell's Daughter-in-law) at 10:00 am (ET) on Saturday. She is registered at BabiesRUs.


Back-to-School Bash for 6th Grade and younger Saturday night @ 7:00 pm (ET), at the Saufley's. Welcome back to school, kids! I pray you have a safe and blessed year! Remember to stand up for Jesus in school. Let Him lead you to do what is right! God bless you!

Welcome to Silver Run's New Blog!

We would like to welcome you to Silver Run Baptist Church! We are starting a new blog to inform you on events that are coming up. We will also post updates on past events, as needed.

Tell us what you would like to see posted, by leaving your comments at the bottom of the page. May God bless you!

To God Be the Glory!

Website Coordinator,

Tammy Huffstutler