Monday, November 23, 2009

Updates This Week

  • Monday, November 23rd- Outreach & Visitation @ 6:30 pm (ET)
  • Tuesday, November 24th- Community-wide Thanksgiving Service at Silver Run @ 7:00 pm (ET)
  • Wednesday, November 25th- No Services...No Vans will be running.
  • Thursday, November 26th- Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Sunday, November 29th- 5th Sunday Singing @ 6:00 pm (ET)! See Mrs. Pam if you want to sing!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Update for Saturday: Bake Sale and Youth for Hire

Here is an update from Debra Sellers...

Just a friendly reminder that the Sisterhood Bake sale is this Saturday. We welcome donations from any of the ladies in the church that would like to participate.

Desserts of: Cakes, brownies, pies, etc….can be brought tonight (Wednesday) if it is freezable, OR if you would like to bring it by the church this Friday night from 6:00-7:00 pm. I will be there for an hour to allow people to drop their goodies off in Silver Run Fellowship hall. We will be taking a cooler Sat. for the pies. If you live in town and would like to bring it by Saturday morning, we should be at our booth and set up between 7:30 – 8:00. If you would like to ride to Lee County Flea market with us, give me or Carol Nance a call before Saturday morning.

We will also try to sell more of our cookbooks at our booth as well. Let your friends know we will be there. Good time to buy a cookbook for a Christmas Gift, or a baked item for their thanksgiving. Our booth will be one of the booths that will have a top over it.

This sale is to build up our Sisterhood account, so we can continue to do mission work where it is needed.
If you can donate some goodies it will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you and Blessings to you all!

P.S. this is a freebie for the youth ministry. Youth for Hire this Saturday, if you need yard work done or anything else, you can hire a youth for the day. Just give Shane Conners a call or email him at

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday's Worship Services

You are invited to a special Church Service tonight @ 7:00 pm (ET).

The Adults and Youth will meet in the Sanctuary with a special speaker for tonight.

The Children will meet in the Youth Building for their service.

Please make sure you come and see what God has waiting just for you! You will be blessed!