- Monday, December 13th - Grow Outreach has been postponed until the new year...enjoy the Christmas holidays being with family, friends and loved ones! Merry Christmas and God bless you!
- Wednesday, December 15th - 7pm Children's Christmas Party in the Fellowship Hall
- Sunday, December 19th - Finance Class has been postponed until the new year /6pm Christmas Cantata
Monday, December 13, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
- Wednesday, December 8th - 7pm Bible Study / Children's Christmas Program Practice
- Saturday, December 11th - 4pm Sisterhood Christmas Tea
- Sunday, December 12th - 7:30am Brotherhood Breakfast / Children's Christmas Program Practice after AM Service / 6pm Children's Christmas Cantata
Monday, November 15, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
- Monday, November 15th - 6:30pm GROW Outreach / 7:30pm Business Meeting
- Wednesday, November 17th - 7pm Bible Study & Worship / Children's Christmas Program Practice / Youth's Oct./Nov. Birthday's
- Thursday, November 18 - 12pm Brotherhood Lunch @ Ruth Ann's / 6pm Brotherhood Supper @ City Buffet on bypass
- Sunday, November 21st - 4pm Vision Team Meeting
4 Chairs
Sunday Night Service - November 14, 2010
Pastor Kip showed an awesome video by Andrian Dupres on the "4 Chairs". Andrian stood on stage with 4 folding-chairs. Each chair represented who we are as a Christian or non-Christian. Which one of the chairs represent you?
Pastor Kip showed an awesome video by Andrian Dupres on the "4 Chairs". Andrian stood on stage with 4 folding-chairs. Each chair represented who we are as a Christian or non-Christian. Which one of the chairs represent you?
- Chair #1: Christian that Loves God!
- Chair #2: Christian, but has gotten use to God.
- Chair #3: Think you are a Christian, but never accepted Christ.
- Chair #4: Not a Christian.
- You know you are a Christian by your fruit.
- Conviction of Sin.
4 Chairs,
Andrian Dupres,
Friday, November 12, 2010
The Power of the Tongue (Part 2)
Silver Run Baptist Church - Pastor Kip McKee – November 7, 2010 Evening Service
Proverbs 18:20-21 & James 3:1-12
The Bible tells us that we literally eat the words we say. What we say impacts us & everyone we encounter. (Proverbs 18:20-21)
I. Words can discourage us.
Words can harm us if we let them. (Titus 1:7-11)
II. Words can divide us.
One thing God hates is those who sow discord among brothers. (Proverbs 6:12-19)
III. Words can Encourage us!
David encouraged himself. (1 Samuel 30:1-6)
IV. Words can SAVE OTHERS!
Our Words should show others the GRACE of God! (Romans 10:8-15)
V. Words can Encourage OTHERS!
Our Words should show others the GRACE of God! (Colossians 4:2-6)
Our Words should lovingly help those in sin see the error of their way. As Nathan helped David see his sin, we can help others see what is hurting them. (2 Samuel 12:1-15)
Our Words should speak Blessings for our Family, our Church & for God’s Kingdom.
VI. Words can PLEASE God!
All of our words are to PLEASE GOD, at all times! (Psalm 19:7-14)
We speak with God’s Authority when we quote His Word! (Hebrews 4:12-13)
May our Words Please God & Build Up His People!
Sermon Notes:
Proverbs 18:20-21 & James 3:1-12
The Bible tells us that we literally eat the words we say. What we say impacts us & everyone we encounter. (Proverbs 18:20-21)
I. Words can discourage us.
Words can harm us if we let them. (Titus 1:7-11)
II. Words can divide us.
One thing God hates is those who sow discord among brothers. (Proverbs 6:12-19)
III. Words can Encourage us!
David encouraged himself. (1 Samuel 30:1-6)
IV. Words can SAVE OTHERS!
Our Words should show others the GRACE of God! (Romans 10:8-15)
V. Words can Encourage OTHERS!
Our Words should show others the GRACE of God! (Colossians 4:2-6)
Our Words should lovingly help those in sin see the error of their way. As Nathan helped David see his sin, we can help others see what is hurting them. (2 Samuel 12:1-15)
Our Words should speak Blessings for our Family, our Church & for God’s Kingdom.
VI. Words can PLEASE God!
All of our words are to PLEASE GOD, at all times! (Psalm 19:7-14)
We speak with God’s Authority when we quote His Word! (Hebrews 4:12-13)
May our Words Please God & Build Up His People!
Sermon Notes:
power of the tongue,
speak blessings
The Power of the Tongue (Part 1)
Silver Run Baptist Church - Pastor Kip McKee – November 7, 2010 Morning Service
Proverbs 18:20-21 & James 3:1-12
I. The Words we use MATTER! Our words bring us Blessings or Hardships.
Our words give POWER to GOOD things or POWER to evil. The choice is ours.
Our souls literally EAT the words we say. (Proverbs 18:20-21)
Our Praises bring Blessings to us!
Our negative words poison us & others.
Negative words are useful tools for Satan.
II. Criticism should come SLOWLY because NO ONE is perfect!
Only God and His Word can accurately judge us.
Our Christian command is to help each other grow CLOSER to Jesus by encouraging one another. (James 3:1-2)
Jesus said, “He who is without sin throw the first stone.” (John 8:2-11)
III. Criticism should come SLOWLY because we do not always see God’s Plan in the life of others!
God works in mysterious ways. No man can figure out all God is doing with us. (Isaiah 55:6-11 & John 9:1-7)
Let’s Speak Blessings into our life & the Life of Others!
Let’s ENCOURAGE & BUILD Each Other UP!
Sermon Notes:
Proverbs 18:20-21 & James 3:1-12
I. The Words we use MATTER! Our words bring us Blessings or Hardships.
Our words give POWER to GOOD things or POWER to evil. The choice is ours.
Our souls literally EAT the words we say. (Proverbs 18:20-21)
Our Praises bring Blessings to us!
Our negative words poison us & others.
Negative words are useful tools for Satan.
II. Criticism should come SLOWLY because NO ONE is perfect!
Only God and His Word can accurately judge us.
Our Christian command is to help each other grow CLOSER to Jesus by encouraging one another. (James 3:1-2)
Jesus said, “He who is without sin throw the first stone.” (John 8:2-11)
III. Criticism should come SLOWLY because we do not always see God’s Plan in the life of others!
God works in mysterious ways. No man can figure out all God is doing with us. (Isaiah 55:6-11 & John 9:1-7)
Let’s Speak Blessings into our life & the Life of Others!
Let’s ENCOURAGE & BUILD Each Other UP!
Sermon Notes:
power of the tongue,
speak blessings
Monday, November 8, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
- Monday, November 8th- 6:30pm GROW Outreach...No Business Meeting this week, it has been postponed for next Monday
- Wednesday, November 10th- 7pm Bible Study / Children will practice for the Christmas Program...Every Wednesday now - December 8th / Children's Birthday Wednesday
- Thursday, November 11th- Veterans Day
- Friday, November 12th- 6pm Sisterhood packing shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child
- Saturday, November 13th- 10am-1pm Witness & Prayer Walk
- Sunday, November 14th- 7:30am Brotherhood Breakfast / Sisterhood Dedication of the OCC boxes in Morning Service / 3:30pm Youth Leaders Meeting
Bible Study,
Brotherhood Breakfast,
Christmas Program,
Happy Birthday,
Operation Chistmas Child,
Sisterhood meeting,
Veterans Day,
Witness and Prayer Walk,
Youth Leaders Meeting
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
- Wednesday, October 27th - 7pm Bible Study and Worship
- Thursday, October 28th- 12pm Brotherhood Lunch and 6pm Supper / 6:30pm Grief Class
- Saturday, October 30th- 6pm-8:30pm Harvest Festival...Everyone invited!
- Sunday, October 31st- 9:45am & 5pm Bible Study / 11am & 6pm Worship Service / 5pm Finance Class
Bible Study,
Finance Class,
Harvest Festival,
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
- Wednesday, October 20th - 7pm Bible Study and Worship
- Thursday, October 21st - 6:30pm New Class on Grief...if you have been experiencing grief and need a way to cope, then this class is for you! Contact Mike Perry for more information...1st Class will be a Meet & Greet! Trust God to show you the way!
- Saturday, October 23rd - 7pm Youth goes to Judgement House in Tallassee, AL...depart from church at 5:30pm.
- Sunday, October 24th - 9:45am & 5pm Bible Study / 11am & 6pm Worship Service ... 5pm New Class on Finance...if you need help or information on your finances, contact Bob Adkins for more information.
Bible Study,
Judgement House,
New Class,
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
- Wednesday, October 13th - 7pm Bible Study and Worship
- Saturday, October 16th - 7pm - 9pm or so Gospel Singing and Silent Auction
- Sunday, October 17th - 9:45am & 5pm Bible Study / 11am & 6pm Worship Service / 4pm Vision Team Meeting
Bible Study,
Gospel Singing,
Silent Auction,
Vision Team,
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run
- Monday, October 4th - 6:30pm GROW Outreach / 7:30pm Business Meeting
- Wednesday, October 6th - 7pm Bible Study & Worship
- Friday, October 8th - 7pm Sisterhood working on Silent Auction baskets
- Sunday, October 10th - 7:30am Brotherhood / Youth Fundraiser Luncheon after Morning Worship Service...Menu: Poppy Seed Chicken on Rice, Green Beans, Rolls & Dessert...Donations accepted
Monday, October 4, 2010
Making God, MY GOD!
Sunday Morning Service - October 3, 2010
Pastor Kip was preaching on what we need to do to make God our God from 1 Peter 1:13-16.
Pastor Kip was preaching on what we need to do to make God our God from 1 Peter 1:13-16.
Sermon Series:
Words to Live by from an Old Fisherman!
2 Keys of The Christian Life:
Live INTENTIONALLY. Make your life count for God. (Don't just go with the world's flow.)
Strive to BE LIKE JESUS and you will PLEASE Jesus!
I. We need to be READY for Godly Action!
Prepare Your Minds for ACTION! (1 Peter 1:13a)
The mind wonders unless we control it.
- "Be Self-controlled" literally means to be sober. The Greek word here means "wine-less." (1 Peter 1:13b)
- Don't let anything or anyone intoxicate you!
- Keep Your Eyes and Heart on Jesus!
- Be disciplined in your faith! Remember we are all accountable to GOD!
- Be CONFORMED to the Christian Life!
- Our words and deeds should point others to Jesus!
- God says, "Be Holy, for I AM Holy!" This is not a suggestion...it is a command.
- We should RESEMBLE our Heavenly Father so much people see Jesus in us!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
- Monday, September 27th - 6:30pm GROW Outreach / 7:30pm called Business Meeting to approve our Church Workers and Budget
- Wednesday, September 29th - 7pm Bible Study and Worship
- Saturday, October 2nd - Rabies Clinic @ SRBC from 10am-2pm...for Dogs, Cats and Horses...Cost is $10 per Animal!
Bible Study,
Business meeting,
GROW Outreach,
Rabies Clinic,
Monday, September 20, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
- Monday, September 20th - Grow Outreach w/Childcare
- Wednesday, September 22nd - 7pm Bible Study
- Friday, September 24th - 7pm Sisterhood Meeting (Menu: Tailgate Food (Finger Food) and wear your favorite Sports Team Jersey)
- Friday and Saturday, September 24th & 25th - Youth's DNow Weekend @ Calvary
- Saturday, September 25th - Kid's Rodeo Round-up @ Mr. Kenny's...Ages 6th grade & under from 5pm-8pm
- Sunday, September 26th - SRBC's Homecoming! (Please bring 2-3 covered dishes and tell others to come)
Bible Study,
GROW Outreach,
Kid's Rodeo Round-up,
Sisterhood meeting,
Monday, September 13, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
- Monday, September 13th - 6:30pm GROW Outreach / 7:30pm Business Meeting
- Wednesday, September 15th - 7pm Bible Study
- Friday, September 17th - 7:30am Puppet Team performs @ Oliver Elementary School / 7pm Sisterhood Meeting...wear your favorite sports team shirt & bring food you would serve on a tailgate party
- Sunday, September 19th - Bible Study @ 9:45am & 5pm / Worship Service @ 11am & 6pm / 4pm Vision Team Meeting
The Advantages of Hard Times
Sunday Morning Service - September 12, 2010
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:6-7
Sermon Series: Words to Live by from an Old Fisherman!
Sermon by: Pastor Kip McKee
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:6-7
Sermon Series: Words to Live by from an Old Fisherman!
Sermon by: Pastor Kip McKee
- Our Trials are BRIEF! (In comparison with Eternity...1 Peter 1:6)
- Our Trials are NECESSARY! (Hard Times come to EVERY Believer. How we view them is life changing! ...Philippians 3:10-11) (Hard Times teach us MORE about God's LOVE and CARE for us! ...Matthew 28:20) (Hard Times STRENGTHEN our Faith & increase our Service to God! We grow in our desire to serve God & in our ability to serve Him.)
- Our Trials are PURIFYING! (Our Trials have a PURPOSE! ...1 Peter 1:7) (Our trials prove that God will NEVER FAIL US!)
- Our Trials IMPACT Eternity! (Our Trials can bring God PRAISE, HONOR & GLORY! ...1 Peter 1:7) (Our Privilege as Christians is to GLORIFY God in all we do. How we respond to trials can GLORIFY God in a major way.)
- Is what I am doing with my life PLEASING GOD? If not, what needs to change?
- Am I pointing others to GOD or pushing them away from God?
- Are my Actions and Words HONORING GOD, His Word & Pleasing to Jesus?
- Trials are common to all Believers.
- Trials should bring us CLOSER to God, not push us away from GOD.
hard times,
Romans 8,
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
- September 8th - 7pm Bible Study
- September 11th - 5pm Fish Fry @ SRBC
- September 12th -7:30am Brotherhood Breakfast / 3pm Puppet Practice / 6pm Puppet Show
Monday, August 23, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
- Monday, August 23rd - 6:30pm GROW Outreach w/Childcare
- Wednesday, August 25th - 7pm Bible Study
- Friday & Saturday, August 27-28th - Youth's White Water Rafting Trip in TN
- Sunday, August 29th - Bible Study @ 9:45am & 5pm...Fellowship Luncheon after Morning Service, please bring side dishes/deserts and the church will provide the meats...Puppet Practice @ 3pm...Worship Services @ 11am & 6pm
Monday, August 16, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
- Monday, August 16th - 6:30pm GROW Outreach
- Wednesday, August 18th - 7pm Bible Study
- Thursday, August 19th - 12pm Brotherhood Lunch @ Simply Southern and 6pm Supper @ Buffet City on by-pass
- Friday, August 20th - 7pm Sisterhood...Ladies wear a crazy hat...Menu: Summer Salads...Childcare Available...Ruth Parry sharing about Honduras Mission Trip
- Saturday, August 21st - Youth taking 7th Graders out for Lunch then Bowling from 11am-5pm
- Sunday, August 22nd - 9:45am & 5pm Bible Study, 11am & 6pm Worship Service...4pm Vision Team Meeting
Monday, August 9, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
- Monday, August 9th - 6:30pm GROW Outreach
- Wednesday, August 11th - 7pm Bible Study
- Saturday, August 14th - 8am - 12pm Sisterhood Benefit Yard Sale / Youth Benefit Car Wash @ SRBC...proceeds will go to a family in need
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
- Wednesday, August 4th - 7pm Bible Study and Pastor Shane's last day in Youth Ministry at SRBC...God Bless you and your family! We will miss you!
- Sunday, August 8th - 7:30am Brotherhood Breakfast / Bible Study 9:45am & 5pm...Worship Services 11am and 6pm
Bible Study,
Pastor Shane,
Youth Ministry
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
Wednesday, July 28th - 7pm Bible Study / Kid's Slip-n-Slide Night (6th Grade and under)...Make sure you bring a change of clothes!
Sunday, August 1st - Bible Study 9:45am & 5pm / Worship Service 11:00am & 6:00pm / Celebrating The Conner's
Sunday, August 1st - Bible Study 9:45am & 5pm / Worship Service 11:00am & 6:00pm / Celebrating The Conner's
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
Wednesday, July 21st - 7pm Bible Study/Kid's Birthday Wednesday/Mission Serve Testimonies
Thursday, July 22nd - 12pm Brotherhood Lunch @ Simply Southern and 6pm Supper @ Shoney's
Saturday, July 24th - Kid's Pool Party @ Mrs. Sherry's...leave church @ 5:30pm
Sunday, July 25th - Fellowship after Morning Service/4pm Vision Team/4pm Parent Meeting for new 7th Grade Students with Shane/Puppet Team Ice Cream-Banana Splits Fundraiser after Evening Service
Thursday, July 22nd - 12pm Brotherhood Lunch @ Simply Southern and 6pm Supper @ Shoney's
Saturday, July 24th - Kid's Pool Party @ Mrs. Sherry's...leave church @ 5:30pm
Sunday, July 25th - Fellowship after Morning Service/4pm Vision Team/4pm Parent Meeting for new 7th Grade Students with Shane/Puppet Team Ice Cream-Banana Splits Fundraiser after Evening Service
Monday, July 12, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
Monday, July 12th -- 6:30pm GROW Outreach
Wednesday, July 14th -- 7pm Bible Study
Friday, July 16th -- 7pm Sisterhood
Sunday, July 18th -- Mission Serve participants arrive home
Wednesday, July 14th -- 7pm Bible Study
Friday, July 16th -- 7pm Sisterhood
Sunday, July 18th -- Mission Serve participants arrive home
Bible Study,
GROW Outreach,
Mission Serve,
Saturday, July 3, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
- Sunday, July 4th, 2010-- 4th of July... Regular Church Services 11am and 6pm for Worship and Bible Study 9:45am and 5pm
- Monday, July 5, 2010-- 6:30pm GROW Outreach...7:30pm Business Meeting
- Wednesday, July 7, 2010-- 7pm Bible Study / Kid's Slip-n-Slide Night
- Friday, July 9, 2010-- Youth leave for Mission Serve in Jackson, Michigan...meet at church @ 7pm
- Sunday, July 11, 2010-- 7:30am Brotherhood Breakfast
Monday, June 28, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
- 7pm REVIVAL with Keith Pugh...Monday-Wednesday night
- After REVIVAL on Monday night, there will be a brief 30-min. meeting for Mission Serve Staff and ALL Mission Serve Adults
- Regular Church Services resume on Sunday...Bible Study @ 9:45am & 5pm...Worship Services 11am & 6pm... Happy 4th of July!!!
Monday, June 21, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
- Monday, June 21st - 6:30pm GROW Outreach w/Childcare
- Wednesday, June 23rd - 7pm Bible Study
- Thursday, June 24th - 12pm Brotherhood Lunch @ Simply Southern and 6pm Supper @ Shoney's
- Friday, June 25th - Cottage Prayer Meeting for Revival...Time and Place are to be determined
- Saturday, June 26th - 9am-2pm Youth Workday Fundraiser for Missions
- Sunday, June 27th - REVIVAL BEGINS!...Times: 11am and 6pm Keith Pugh preaching (No Other Activities)
- Sunday, June 27th - Youth will go to Mr. Tom and Mrs. Margaret Black's Pool after Morning Service
Monday, June 14, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run
- Monday, June 14th-- 6:30pm GROW Outreach Ministry Begins Tonight
- Wednesday, June 16th-- 7pm Bible Study
- Brotherhood Lunch and Supper will not meet this week, but will meet next Thursday, June 24th
- Friday, June 18th-- 7pm Sisterhood Meeting
- Friday and Saturday, June 18th & 19th-- 7pm Youth Leaders Vision Casting Retreat
- Saturday, June 19th-- 6pm-8:30pm Kid's Pool Party @ Wayne's (Pre-school--6th Grade) Meet at church @ 5:30pm
- Sunday, June 20th-- Happy Father's Day!...No Evening Activities
Monday, June 7, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
- Date: June 7th - 11th
- Time: 6:30pm-9pm
- Ages: 3yrs old - 6th Grade
- No Other Church Activities This Week Due to VBS
- VBS Commencement on Sunday, June 13th @ 6:00pm
- 3:30pm Parent/Student Meeting for Mission Serve Participates
- 4pm Vision Team
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run:
- Thursday, June 3-- 5pm Supper @ Ryan's for Joy Class & Other Seniors
- Friday, June 4-- 6:30pm Youth Leaders Meeting
- Saturday, June 5-- 7:30am Brotherhood Breakfast and Workday
- Sunday, June 6-- VBS Set-up & Visitation after Morning Worship Service
- Sunday, June 6-- 6pm Keith Plott Singing
Joy Class,
Keith Plott,
Outreach and Visitation,
youth leaders
Monday, May 24, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run!
Monday, May 24th-- 6:30pm GROW Outreach
Wednesday, May 26th-- 7pm Bible Study...For the children: School's Out Game Night (K-6th Grade)...Girls vs. Boys
Thursday, May 27th-- 12pm Brotherhood Lunch @ Simply Southern, Old Farmers Market on 10th Ave. and 6pm Supper @ Shoney's on By-pass. Come to either one or both! See Doc Parry for more details.
Sunday, May 30th-- 4pm Building and Vision Planning
Wednesday, May 26th-- 7pm Bible Study...For the children: School's Out Game Night (K-6th Grade)...Girls vs. Boys
Thursday, May 27th-- 12pm Brotherhood Lunch @ Simply Southern, Old Farmers Market on 10th Ave. and 6pm Supper @ Shoney's on By-pass. Come to either one or both! See Doc Parry for more details.
Sunday, May 30th-- 4pm Building and Vision Planning
Monday, May 17, 2010
This Week @ Silver Run
- Monday, May 17th--6:30pm GROW Outreach
- Wednesday, May 19th-- 7pm Bible Study for all ages: For the children K-6th Grade there will be a School's Out Game Night...Girls vs. Boys
- Friday, May 21st-- 8pm RCHS Graduation...Congratulations Graduates of 2010!
- Friday and Saturday, May 21st-22nd-- Pre-Mission visit to Michigan
- Sunday, May 23rd-- Sisterhood Fundraiser Luncheon after Morning Worship Service
- Sunday, May 23rd-- 3pm Mission Serve Leaders Meeting
- Sunday, May 23rd-- 4pm GROW Training Session 4 of 4
Friday, May 14, 2010
Updates This Week
- Friday, May 14th-- 7pm Sisterhood Meeting
- Saturday, May 15th-- 1-5pm Youth Fundraiser at Winn-Dixie on Veteran's Pkwy.
- Sunday, May 16th-- Youth Graduation Luncheon following Morning Worship Service
- Sunday, May 16th-- 4pm GROW Training Session 3 of 4
Monday, April 26, 2010
The Garden of God
I thought you might like this devotional from James Robison:
Adapted from James' message "The Garden of God." Watch it all week on LIFE Today and request the DVD and CD when you support Mission Feeding. http://www.lifetoday.org/
“Come and dine,” the Master is calling. "Come and dine!"
I was working with my son, Randy, to edit an article recently when I quoted some scripture. He stopped me and asked, “Did you mean to repeat yourself? You referenced the hungry twice.”
I grabbed my Bible and turned to the passage in Isaiah 58. "It’s repeated,” I verified. “’Share your food with the hungry,’ it says in verse 7 and then two verses later, ‘if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry…’.” The repeated reference was not a mistake on my part and I don't believe it was a mistake on Isaiah's part.
"God must really care about the hungry," I said.
"Physically and spiritually," Randy said. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness…”
We can all relate to hunger. When we miss a meal, we notice it. While there is a spiritual component that shouldn’t be overlooked, God does care about our physical needs. Jesus fed 5,000 people because they were hungry. They needed food, so He took a meager offering and multiplied it. He cares about our physical needs and He wants us to care about the physical needs of others, too. But at the same time, He also cares about spiritual hunger.
Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I. "If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger and malicious talk, and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” (Isaiah 58:9-11)
Christians are called to meet hunger wherever it exists both spiritually and physically. We can turn a church loose on this world that will be like releasing a river of life. Right now, it’s a dry and thirsty land. People lack food, but we can fill their stomachs. People lack life, but we can share Jesus.
Jesus bragged on Simon Peter, an ordinary fisherman who said, “You are the Christ, the son of the living God!" Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."
Which rock? The rock of hearing what the Father says to those of His followers with ears to hear and hearts to heed. He will speak to us and the gates of hell, deception and destruction will not stand against this force -- a river -- that flows in harmony with His will.
The hope for this world is a church full of the love of God; not so you can convert everyone to a religion, but so you flood them with truth, love, glory and compassion. God will release the river of life. But we must first learn to hear the voice of the Father.
God then says, “Your light will rise in the darkness, your night will become like noonday.” Like a city set on a hill, the light will attract people. The darkness will flee. That’s the way God created the universe. Light overcomes the darkness, so we must let His light shine through us.
“He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land.” Is anyone feeling sun-scorched lately? God will meet your needs in a recession. He may strip away the “things” that you think you need, but He will replace them with true purpose His purpose and fulfillment that can only come from sitting at His table and fellowshipping with Him. He will lift you from the ditches of debt, depression, defeat and hopelessness.
"You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” Have you ever seen a well-watered garden that didn’t produce fruit? Has an eternal spring ever left anyone thirsty? What an amazing promise! In the garden of God there is joy, satisfaction, bounty and life. This is what God wants for you; He wants to meet your needs so that you can help meet the needs of others. The world is hungry, both spiritually and physically, but we can extend this invitation to them when we experience it ourselves: Come and dine at His table and begin to live as His fruitful garden.
Adapted from James' message "The Garden of God." Watch it all week on LIFE Today and request the DVD and CD when you support Mission Feeding. http://www.lifetoday.org/
“Come and dine,” the Master is calling. "Come and dine!"
I was working with my son, Randy, to edit an article recently when I quoted some scripture. He stopped me and asked, “Did you mean to repeat yourself? You referenced the hungry twice.”
I grabbed my Bible and turned to the passage in Isaiah 58. "It’s repeated,” I verified. “’Share your food with the hungry,’ it says in verse 7 and then two verses later, ‘if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry…’.” The repeated reference was not a mistake on my part and I don't believe it was a mistake on Isaiah's part.
"God must really care about the hungry," I said.
"Physically and spiritually," Randy said. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness…”
We can all relate to hunger. When we miss a meal, we notice it. While there is a spiritual component that shouldn’t be overlooked, God does care about our physical needs. Jesus fed 5,000 people because they were hungry. They needed food, so He took a meager offering and multiplied it. He cares about our physical needs and He wants us to care about the physical needs of others, too. But at the same time, He also cares about spiritual hunger.
Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I. "If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger and malicious talk, and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” (Isaiah 58:9-11)
Christians are called to meet hunger wherever it exists both spiritually and physically. We can turn a church loose on this world that will be like releasing a river of life. Right now, it’s a dry and thirsty land. People lack food, but we can fill their stomachs. People lack life, but we can share Jesus.
Jesus bragged on Simon Peter, an ordinary fisherman who said, “You are the Christ, the son of the living God!" Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."
Which rock? The rock of hearing what the Father says to those of His followers with ears to hear and hearts to heed. He will speak to us and the gates of hell, deception and destruction will not stand against this force -- a river -- that flows in harmony with His will.
The hope for this world is a church full of the love of God; not so you can convert everyone to a religion, but so you flood them with truth, love, glory and compassion. God will release the river of life. But we must first learn to hear the voice of the Father.
God then says, “Your light will rise in the darkness, your night will become like noonday.” Like a city set on a hill, the light will attract people. The darkness will flee. That’s the way God created the universe. Light overcomes the darkness, so we must let His light shine through us.
“He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land.” Is anyone feeling sun-scorched lately? God will meet your needs in a recession. He may strip away the “things” that you think you need, but He will replace them with true purpose His purpose and fulfillment that can only come from sitting at His table and fellowshipping with Him. He will lift you from the ditches of debt, depression, defeat and hopelessness.
"You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” Have you ever seen a well-watered garden that didn’t produce fruit? Has an eternal spring ever left anyone thirsty? What an amazing promise! In the garden of God there is joy, satisfaction, bounty and life. This is what God wants for you; He wants to meet your needs so that you can help meet the needs of others. The world is hungry, both spiritually and physically, but we can extend this invitation to them when we experience it ourselves: Come and dine at His table and begin to live as His fruitful garden.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
When The Resurrection Calls Your Name!
Easter Sunday Morning Service, April 4, 2010
Pastor Kip preached on what was happening after the ressurection of Jesus Christ and the lessons we can learn from it today. Key Scriptures: John 20:1-18
Pastor Kip preached on what was happening after the ressurection of Jesus Christ and the lessons we can learn from it today. Key Scriptures: John 20:1-18
- Found the Tomb Empty! Mary loved Jesus so much she went to His Tomb to care for His Body! (John 20:1)...Mary teaches us to have no limits to what we will do for Jesus...Mary ran to tell Peter and John this news. It concerned Jesus and she was eager to get the word to them! (John 20:2)...Peter and John went to see for themselves! Notice they did not wait for a meeting or a vote, they RAN to see! (John 20:3-9)
- Failure to Understand! Peter, John and Mary loved Jesus, but did not understand His Teachings. Many of the Jewish Leaders did understand! (Matthew 27:62-66)...This teaches us that we, as Individuals, need to understand God's Word.
- Faith was Rewarded! Mary loved Jesus so much she lingered at the Tomb seeking answers! (John 20:10-14)...Those who seek Jesus find Him! (Proverbs 8:17)...We need to stay close to Jesus especially when we don't understand what is happening!
- Finally Mary Understands when she HEARS Jesus' Voice. It brought her JOY, Peace and Purpose! Mary finally and fully recognized Jesus when He called her name! (John 20:15-16)...Mary reached out clasped His feet and worshipped Jesus. Then Jesus told her to go and tell others. SHE DID! (John 20:17-18)...There is a time to Worship in solitude and with others. Then there are times to go and shaare the Good News of Jesus with others! We go as Jesus Leads us!
- Jesus is Calling YOUR NAME TODAY! Jesus loves you as much as He loves Mary. He is Calling out to you today! (Revelation 3:20-22)...Blessings await those who turn their lives completely over to Jesus! (Matthew 5:1-12)
God's Word,
John 9,
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
A New Beginning with Jesus!
Sunday Evening Service, March 21, 2010
Pastor Kip was preaching on becoming a new person and having a change of heart with Jesus Christ. (John 3: 1-21)
Pastor Kip was preaching on becoming a new person and having a change of heart with Jesus Christ. (John 3: 1-21)
- What does it mean to be a "Born Again Christian"?
- When we TRULY accept Jesus as Savior He becomes The LORD of our life. Then God is able, based on our Faith, to open us up His BEST!
- We need to Share the Message of Jesus throughout the year!
- Accept Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Savior
- Believe he died on the cross for your sins and rose again
- Confess Jesus is Lord of your life
born again,
change of heart,
See It, Profit from It!
Sunday Morning Service, March 21, 2010
Pastor Kip was teaching on how we can see things like God sees things can be life changing. (John 9:1-7 & 30-38)
Seeing Life as God Sees it is KEY for Believers. It leads us to live as OVERCOMERS!
Pastor Kip was teaching on how we can see things like God sees things can be life changing. (John 9:1-7 & 30-38)
Seeing Life as God Sees it is KEY for Believers. It leads us to live as OVERCOMERS!
- How we See Life impacts All of our Life!
- Our Key to Seeing Life from God's View is 3 fold.
- Seeing from God's View EMPOWERS us to LIVE Mighty Lives for Jesus!
John 9,
life changing,
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Saturday, March 28th from 4-6pm ET (Birth-6th grade)
A note from Mrs. Traci...
If you donate chocolate...please choose Tootsie Rolls only.
We will eat at 4pm...kids will hunt at 5pm. Everyone is invited to come fellowship and eat!
A box will be in the church office on Wednesday for donations. We need plastic eggs and small items/candy to fill them. (Over 1,000 eggs were hid last year)!!! Please have all donations in by Sunday, March 21st. Thank you!
A note from Mrs. Traci...
If you donate chocolate...please choose Tootsie Rolls only.
We will eat at 4pm...kids will hunt at 5pm. Everyone is invited to come fellowship and eat!
A box will be in the church office on Wednesday for donations. We need plastic eggs and small items/candy to fill them. (Over 1,000 eggs were hid last year)!!! Please have all donations in by Sunday, March 21st. Thank you!
Easter Egg Hunt,
March 28th
Friday, February 26, 2010
Upcoming Events @ SRB
- Friday, February 26th-- Youth Leaders will have a National Leader's Youth Conference today thru Monday in Ohio...please be in prayer for their travel mercies and may God show them direction and passion toward helping our youth.
- Friday, February 26th-- Puppet Team Practice tonight @ 6:30pm (ET)
- Sunday, February 28th-- Fellowship Luncheon after Morning Service...please bring 2-3 side dishes...Meat and drinks are provided.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Confronting Closed Doors
February 24, 2010
Here is a devotional from Dr. Charles Stanley:
Acts 16:5-10
Facing a "closed door" can be extremely frustrating. The apostle Paul knew exactly how that felt. On his second missionary journey to share the gospel in Asia, he repeatedly found the way blocked by the Holy Spirit. Eventually the apostle was stuck in Troas with the sea before him and closed doors behind.
How strange it must have seemed to Paul that God would prevent him from spreading the gospel. But he knew this wisdom from the book of Proverbs: The Lord will make a straight path for anyone who chooses to trust God rather than himself (vv. 3:5-6). Instead of getting angry or trying to force his way into new territory, Paul got on his knees.
The Bible does not record how long he and Timothy lingered in Troas, but we can be sure that the apostle did not move until the Lord revealed the entrance to a new mission field. Christians in a period of watchful waiting should view the situation as a chance to seek not only God's purpose but also His guidance. This is the time to ask the Lord why He has barred the way forward—perhaps the timing is wrong or we need to deal with unconfessed sin. Whatever the reason, we must be sensitive to the Spirit's leading. We want to be ready for the door that will open.
When an opportunity is blocked, God has a reason. And He is providing love and protection, even in your disappointment. The Lord is also keeping His promise to work everything for your good (Rom. 8:28). When one door has closed, a greater one is about to open. Be wise and watch for it.
For more biblical teaching and resources from Dr. Charles Stanley, please visit http://www.intouch.org/.
Here is a devotional from Dr. Charles Stanley:
Acts 16:5-10
Facing a "closed door" can be extremely frustrating. The apostle Paul knew exactly how that felt. On his second missionary journey to share the gospel in Asia, he repeatedly found the way blocked by the Holy Spirit. Eventually the apostle was stuck in Troas with the sea before him and closed doors behind.
How strange it must have seemed to Paul that God would prevent him from spreading the gospel. But he knew this wisdom from the book of Proverbs: The Lord will make a straight path for anyone who chooses to trust God rather than himself (vv. 3:5-6). Instead of getting angry or trying to force his way into new territory, Paul got on his knees.
The Bible does not record how long he and Timothy lingered in Troas, but we can be sure that the apostle did not move until the Lord revealed the entrance to a new mission field. Christians in a period of watchful waiting should view the situation as a chance to seek not only God's purpose but also His guidance. This is the time to ask the Lord why He has barred the way forward—perhaps the timing is wrong or we need to deal with unconfessed sin. Whatever the reason, we must be sensitive to the Spirit's leading. We want to be ready for the door that will open.
When an opportunity is blocked, God has a reason. And He is providing love and protection, even in your disappointment. The Lord is also keeping His promise to work everything for your good (Rom. 8:28). When one door has closed, a greater one is about to open. Be wise and watch for it.
For more biblical teaching and resources from Dr. Charles Stanley, please visit http://www.intouch.org/.
closed doors,
Dr. Charles Stanley,
Monday, February 15, 2010
Devotional from Max Lucado
Here is an excerpt from Max Lucado's book "The Great House of God". You can find his devotionals at Lightsource.com and follow the links:
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Week of February 12
The Chapel: Where Man Covers His Mouth
by Max Lucado
"I am not worthy; I cannot answer you anything, so I will put my hand over my mouth." (Job 40:4)
The phrase for the chapel is "Hallowed be thy name."
This phrase is a petition, not a proclamation. A request, not an announcement. Hallowed be your name. We enter the chapel and beseech, "Be hallowed, Lord." Do whatever it takes to be holy in my life. Take your rightful place on the throne. Exalt yourself. Magnify yourself. Glorify yourself. You be Lord, and I'll be quiet.
The word hallowed comes from the word holy, and the word holymeans "to separate." The ancestry of the term can be traced back to an ancient word which means "to cut." To be holy, then, is to be a cut above the norm, superior, extraordinary. Remember what we learned in the observatory? The Holy One dwells on a different level from the rest of us. What frightens us does not frighten him. What troubles us does not trouble him.
I'm more a landlubber than a sailor, but I've puttered around in a bass boat enough to know the secret for finding land in a storm ... You don't aim at another boat. You certainly don't stare at the waves. You set your sights on an object unaffected by the wind—a light on the shore—and go straight toward it. The light is unaffected by the storm.
By seeking God in the chapel, you do the same. When you set your sights on our God, you focus on one "a cut above" any storm life may bring.
Like Job, you find peace in the pain.
Like Job, you cover your mouth and sit still.
"Be still, and know that I am God" (Ps. 46:10). This verse contains a command with a promise.
The command?
Be still.
Cover your mouth.
Bend your knees.
The promise? You will know that I am God.
The vessel of faith journeys on soft waters. Belief rides on the wings of waiting.
Linger in the chapel. Linger often in the chapel. In the midst of your daily storms, make it a point to be still and set your sights on him. Let God be God. Let him bathe you in his glory so that both your breath and your troubles are sucked from your soul. Be still. Be quiet. Be open and willing. Then you will know that God is God, and you can't help but confess, "Hallowed be thy name."
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Gospel Singing Tonight!
What: Gospel Singing
When: Today, February 11th, 2010 @ 7pm (ET)
Where: Silver Run Baptist Church
For more information on their scheduled tours or music visit their website:
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Cost of Our Salvation
Here is a devotional from Charles Stanley:
Philippians 2:5-8
In our world of electronic banking and charge cards, it's easy to ignore what things cost. The same is true with sin. Our culture enjoys temporary pleasures while disregarding what God says is the price of transgression (Rom. 6:23a).
The Bible tells us what it cost Jesus to pay for our sin. For our sake, He suffered . . .
Physical pain. In the hours leading to His crucifixion, Jesus was mocked, beaten, and humiliated. In His weakened state, He was forced to carry the instrument of His death—the cross. Then He was nailed to it and hoisted up to die an excruciating death.
Man's sin. Jesus lived a perfect life on earth and never knew the disgrace of sin or the bitterness of regret. But at the cross, the Father placed all of mankind's sins upon the Savior (2 Cor. 5:21). There, Christ experienced the fullness of our transgressions, guilt, and shame.
Abandonment. In the final hours, Jesus was separated from His Father (Mark 15:34), their fellowship broken for the only time since eternity past. Our sin became the barrier that kept them apart until Christ's work of atonement was finished (John 19:30).
Divine judgment. God's wrath was poured out upon our Lord because of man's sin. Christ experienced the condemnation that we deserved.
Our Savior suffered greatly on our behalf. He gave His life so we might become part of God's family (John 1:12). He calls us to a life of sacrificial service—doing the Father's work and living to please Him. In light of what our salvation cost, how can we do anything less?
For more biblical teaching and resources from Dr. Charles Stanley, please visit www.intouch.org.
Philippians 2:5-8
In our world of electronic banking and charge cards, it's easy to ignore what things cost. The same is true with sin. Our culture enjoys temporary pleasures while disregarding what God says is the price of transgression (Rom. 6:23a).
The Bible tells us what it cost Jesus to pay for our sin. For our sake, He suffered . . .
Physical pain. In the hours leading to His crucifixion, Jesus was mocked, beaten, and humiliated. In His weakened state, He was forced to carry the instrument of His death—the cross. Then He was nailed to it and hoisted up to die an excruciating death.
Man's sin. Jesus lived a perfect life on earth and never knew the disgrace of sin or the bitterness of regret. But at the cross, the Father placed all of mankind's sins upon the Savior (2 Cor. 5:21). There, Christ experienced the fullness of our transgressions, guilt, and shame.
Abandonment. In the final hours, Jesus was separated from His Father (Mark 15:34), their fellowship broken for the only time since eternity past. Our sin became the barrier that kept them apart until Christ's work of atonement was finished (John 19:30).
Divine judgment. God's wrath was poured out upon our Lord because of man's sin. Christ experienced the condemnation that we deserved.
Our Savior suffered greatly on our behalf. He gave His life so we might become part of God's family (John 1:12). He calls us to a life of sacrificial service—doing the Father's work and living to please Him. In light of what our salvation cost, how can we do anything less?
For more biblical teaching and resources from Dr. Charles Stanley, please visit www.intouch.org.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Looking for the Messiah, Part 1
Here is something from Max Lucado to think about...
SUPPOSE JESUS CAME to your church. I don't mean symbolically. I mean visibly. Physically. Actually. Suppose he came to your church.
Would you recognize him? It might be difficult. Jesus didn't wear religious clothes in his day. Doubtful that he would wear them in ours. If he came today to your church, he'd wear regular clothes. Nothing fancy, just a jacket and shoes and a tie. Maybe a tie ... maybe not.
He would have a common name. "Jesus" was common. I suppose he might go by Joe or Bob or Terry or Elliot.
Elliot ... I like that. Suppose Elliot, the Son of God, came to your church.
Of course, he wouldn't be from Nazareth or Israel. He'd hail from some small spot down the road like Hollow Point or Chester City or Mt. Pleasant.
And he'd be a laborer. He was a carpenter in his day. No reason to think he'd change, but let's say he did. Let's say that this time around he was a plumber. Elliot, the plumber from Mt. Pleasant.
God, a plumber?
Rumor has it that he fed a football field full of people near the lake. Others say he healed a senator's son from Biloxi. Some say he's the Son of God. Others say he's the joke of the year. You don't know what to think.
And then, one Sunday, he shows up.
About midway through the service he appears in the back of the auditorium and takes a seat. After a few songs he moves closer to the front. After yet another song he steps up on the platform and announces, "You are singing about me. I am the Son of God." He holds a Communion tray. "This bread is my body. This wine is my blood. When you celebrate this, you celebrate me!"
What would you think?
Would you be offended? The audacity of it all. How irreverent, a guy named Elliot as the Son of God!
Would you be interested? Wait a minute, how could he be the Son of God? He never went to seminary, never studied at a college. But there is something about him ...
Would you believe? I can't deny it's crazy. But I can't deny what he has done.
It's easy to criticize contemporaries of Jesus for not believing in him. But when you realize how he came, you can understand their skepticism.
Jesus didn't fit their concept of a Messiah. Wrong background. Wrong pedigree. Wrong hometown. No Messiah would come from Nazareth. Small, hick, one-stoplight town. He didn't fit the Jews' notion of a Messiah, and so, rather than change their notion, they dismissed him.
He came as one of them. He was Jesus from Nazareth. Elliot from Mt. Pleasant. He fed the masses with calloused hands. He raised the dead wearing bib overalls and a John Deere Tractor cap.
They expected lights and kings and chariots from heaven. What they got was sandals and sermons and a Galilean accent.
And so, some missed him.
And so, some miss him still.
From A Gentle Thunder
Copyright (Thomas Nelson, 1987) Max Lucado
SUPPOSE JESUS CAME to your church. I don't mean symbolically. I mean visibly. Physically. Actually. Suppose he came to your church.
Would you recognize him? It might be difficult. Jesus didn't wear religious clothes in his day. Doubtful that he would wear them in ours. If he came today to your church, he'd wear regular clothes. Nothing fancy, just a jacket and shoes and a tie. Maybe a tie ... maybe not.
He would have a common name. "Jesus" was common. I suppose he might go by Joe or Bob or Terry or Elliot.
Elliot ... I like that. Suppose Elliot, the Son of God, came to your church.
Of course, he wouldn't be from Nazareth or Israel. He'd hail from some small spot down the road like Hollow Point or Chester City or Mt. Pleasant.
And he'd be a laborer. He was a carpenter in his day. No reason to think he'd change, but let's say he did. Let's say that this time around he was a plumber. Elliot, the plumber from Mt. Pleasant.
God, a plumber?
Rumor has it that he fed a football field full of people near the lake. Others say he healed a senator's son from Biloxi. Some say he's the Son of God. Others say he's the joke of the year. You don't know what to think.
And then, one Sunday, he shows up.
About midway through the service he appears in the back of the auditorium and takes a seat. After a few songs he moves closer to the front. After yet another song he steps up on the platform and announces, "You are singing about me. I am the Son of God." He holds a Communion tray. "This bread is my body. This wine is my blood. When you celebrate this, you celebrate me!"
What would you think?
Would you be offended? The audacity of it all. How irreverent, a guy named Elliot as the Son of God!
Would you be interested? Wait a minute, how could he be the Son of God? He never went to seminary, never studied at a college. But there is something about him ...
Would you believe? I can't deny it's crazy. But I can't deny what he has done.
It's easy to criticize contemporaries of Jesus for not believing in him. But when you realize how he came, you can understand their skepticism.
Jesus didn't fit their concept of a Messiah. Wrong background. Wrong pedigree. Wrong hometown. No Messiah would come from Nazareth. Small, hick, one-stoplight town. He didn't fit the Jews' notion of a Messiah, and so, rather than change their notion, they dismissed him.
He came as one of them. He was Jesus from Nazareth. Elliot from Mt. Pleasant. He fed the masses with calloused hands. He raised the dead wearing bib overalls and a John Deere Tractor cap.
They expected lights and kings and chariots from heaven. What they got was sandals and sermons and a Galilean accent.
And so, some missed him.
And so, some miss him still.
From A Gentle Thunder
Copyright (Thomas Nelson, 1987) Max Lucado
From a Gentle Thunder,
looking for Jesus,
Max Lacado,
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Updates for Our Community
Mrs. Carol Nance has two announcements:
Subject: Two important dates for everyone in our church and community
Subject: Two important dates for everyone in our church and community
- Cottonton Baptist Church is having Carol Herschel, with "Sound Choices", to speak at their church Sunday afternoon at 4:30 (our time). This Sunday is "Sanctity of Life" Sunday. The meeting is open to the community if you would like to learn more about what Sound Choices is all about. You will have plenty of time to go hear Carol and still be back at our church well by or before our 6:00pm service. As you know, we have David Shemwell coming to speak to us about the "Feeding the Valley Program". Please make plans to attend.
- Tuesday, Jan. 19, there will be a Health Fair at Cottonton Baptist, open to the community (free) from 10am - 2pm. There will be all types of representatives there checking for various illnesses or symptoms, some of these are folks from Montgomery. I don't have the time yet, but will get it to you when Pat Boyd gets back with me.
Richer or Poorer?
Proverbs 31 Ministries had an interesting article I thought you might like to read by: Shari Braendel.
"One man pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth." Proverbs 13:7 (NIV)
I watched Maria as she put her arm around her young son and drew him to her side. He responded by leaning in. They were a family of little means and just walking around her house would make even the most hardened heart cry. The shack had a roof made of sharp tin with tree branches mingled in between the layers. It certainly could not keep the elements out and as I peered up and saw light peeking in I wondered how they kept dry when it rained.
The floors were made of cement in some places, dirt in others. Bricks surrounded the little house and as Eric proudly showed me the bedroom that he shared with his mother and two brothers, I smiled. I was then led into the meager kitchen that was stocked with some old pans, a bag of potatoes, some carrots and a sink that refused to release water from its spout.
There was not a bathroom or laundry area except for the ragged line that hung outside with a few items of clothing on it. For all of this bareness, the children were genuinely joyful. As the boys hugged their mom, there was that sense of sweetness that happens between a child and his mother that no amount of money or material goods can replace. This family had each other and they had Jesus.
Ecuador is extremely impoverished in regards to material blessings. I've decided, however, that many in the U.S., though they have an abundance of possessions, are much poorer in other aspects. Families in Ecuador don't seem to know they are poor. Ironically, so many people living around me don't know they're poor either - spiritually in need.
I arrived home from Ecuador with a new vision of blessing. You see, the families I encountered in the homes I visited may not be blessed with material things but they consider it a privilege and gift to know Jesus. When people place highest value in Jesus, not possessions, they gain a life of hope. Hope without end. I can collect everything money can buy, but if I have no hope, I have nothing of value.
Dear God, thank You for the richness and fullness that I have in my life because You sent Your Son. opHelp me to keep my eyes on Jesus instead of wanting more things that will never fulfill me the way You do. I know that it is only through Christ that I can be truly wealthy. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Related Resources:
Do You Know Him?
Sponsor a child from Ecuador thru Compassion International
Too Small to Ignore by Dr. Wess Stafford
Practicing Hospitality: The Joy of Serving Others by Pat Ennis and Lisa Tatlock
Visit Shari's blog to hear more about her trip to Ecuador
Application Steps:
Pray Romans 15:13 for the nations: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (NIV)
Are you feeling hopeless today? Proverbs 11:25 says "He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed" (NIV). Refresh someone today with the hope of Jesus—you will in turn be refreshed with His hope.
My visit with Maria and Eric in Ecuador was through the child sponsorship program of Compassion International. No matter who we are or where we are, we can bring Jesus' hope to the nations through the simple act of sponsoring a child. Compassion International makes certain each sponsored child hears about Jesus and is given the chance to accept true hope. Check out Compassion International today to learn more.
What in my home is excess?
Who can I give it to that needs it more than I?
Power Verses:
2 Corinthians 8:9, "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich." (NIV)
2 Corinthians 6:10, "Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything." (NIV)
© 2010 by Shari Braendel. All rights reserved.
Proverbs 31 Ministries
616-G Matthews-Mint Hill Road
Matthews, NC 28105
"One man pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth." Proverbs 13:7 (NIV)
I watched Maria as she put her arm around her young son and drew him to her side. He responded by leaning in. They were a family of little means and just walking around her house would make even the most hardened heart cry. The shack had a roof made of sharp tin with tree branches mingled in between the layers. It certainly could not keep the elements out and as I peered up and saw light peeking in I wondered how they kept dry when it rained.
The floors were made of cement in some places, dirt in others. Bricks surrounded the little house and as Eric proudly showed me the bedroom that he shared with his mother and two brothers, I smiled. I was then led into the meager kitchen that was stocked with some old pans, a bag of potatoes, some carrots and a sink that refused to release water from its spout.
There was not a bathroom or laundry area except for the ragged line that hung outside with a few items of clothing on it. For all of this bareness, the children were genuinely joyful. As the boys hugged their mom, there was that sense of sweetness that happens between a child and his mother that no amount of money or material goods can replace. This family had each other and they had Jesus.
Ecuador is extremely impoverished in regards to material blessings. I've decided, however, that many in the U.S., though they have an abundance of possessions, are much poorer in other aspects. Families in Ecuador don't seem to know they are poor. Ironically, so many people living around me don't know they're poor either - spiritually in need.
I arrived home from Ecuador with a new vision of blessing. You see, the families I encountered in the homes I visited may not be blessed with material things but they consider it a privilege and gift to know Jesus. When people place highest value in Jesus, not possessions, they gain a life of hope. Hope without end. I can collect everything money can buy, but if I have no hope, I have nothing of value.
Dear God, thank You for the richness and fullness that I have in my life because You sent Your Son. opHelp me to keep my eyes on Jesus instead of wanting more things that will never fulfill me the way You do. I know that it is only through Christ that I can be truly wealthy. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Related Resources:
Do You Know Him?
Sponsor a child from Ecuador thru Compassion International
Too Small to Ignore by Dr. Wess Stafford
Practicing Hospitality: The Joy of Serving Others by Pat Ennis and Lisa Tatlock
Visit Shari's blog to hear more about her trip to Ecuador
Application Steps:
Pray Romans 15:13 for the nations: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (NIV)
Are you feeling hopeless today? Proverbs 11:25 says "He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed" (NIV). Refresh someone today with the hope of Jesus—you will in turn be refreshed with His hope.
My visit with Maria and Eric in Ecuador was through the child sponsorship program of Compassion International. No matter who we are or where we are, we can bring Jesus' hope to the nations through the simple act of sponsoring a child. Compassion International makes certain each sponsored child hears about Jesus and is given the chance to accept true hope. Check out Compassion International today to learn more.
What in my home is excess?
Who can I give it to that needs it more than I?
Power Verses:
2 Corinthians 8:9, "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich." (NIV)
2 Corinthians 6:10, "Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything." (NIV)
© 2010 by Shari Braendel. All rights reserved.
Proverbs 31 Ministries
616-G Matthews-Mint Hill Road
Matthews, NC 28105
proverbs 31,
Shari Braendel,
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Training in Godliness
I thought you might like this from Dr. Charles Stanley:
Deuteronomy 4:9-10
Our desire as Christian parents is to help our children mature into godly men and women. We want them to believe that God has a plan for them and that they are accountable to Him.
I remember teaching my children from a young age about these important truths, because I wanted biblical principles to shape their thinking and their choices. After explaining about God's will, I told them they were accountable to the Lord for their behavior—as well as to their mother and me. If kids believe their only accountability is to parents, then when they are apart from Mom and Dad, they are likely to think that they don't have to answer to anyone.
When my children objected to my decisions, I taught them to speak to their heavenly Father about it. Over time, they developed the habit of talking things over with Him. This training became very important in their teenage years. Instead of giving a quick no to some of their requests, I said, "Find out what God wants you to do. Whatever you two agree on, I will accept." I knew this was risky, but I had to trust the Lord and give my children the opportunity to practice what I had been teaching them—that they are accountable to God.
Training in godliness begins before children establish a personal relationship with Christ. We should continue the process by modeling righteousness all through life. Kids need to know about the Lord's plan for them and their accountability to Him. They also need parents who speak their name to God.
For more biblical teaching and resources from Dr. Charles Stanley, please visit www.intouch.org.
Deuteronomy 4:9-10
Our desire as Christian parents is to help our children mature into godly men and women. We want them to believe that God has a plan for them and that they are accountable to Him.
I remember teaching my children from a young age about these important truths, because I wanted biblical principles to shape their thinking and their choices. After explaining about God's will, I told them they were accountable to the Lord for their behavior—as well as to their mother and me. If kids believe their only accountability is to parents, then when they are apart from Mom and Dad, they are likely to think that they don't have to answer to anyone.
When my children objected to my decisions, I taught them to speak to their heavenly Father about it. Over time, they developed the habit of talking things over with Him. This training became very important in their teenage years. Instead of giving a quick no to some of their requests, I said, "Find out what God wants you to do. Whatever you two agree on, I will accept." I knew this was risky, but I had to trust the Lord and give my children the opportunity to practice what I had been teaching them—that they are accountable to God.
Training in godliness begins before children establish a personal relationship with Christ. We should continue the process by modeling righteousness all through life. Kids need to know about the Lord's plan for them and their accountability to Him. They also need parents who speak their name to God.
For more biblical teaching and resources from Dr. Charles Stanley, please visit www.intouch.org.
Christian parents,
Dr. Charles Stanley,
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