Jesus simply says, "COME, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
Sunday is coming. It is the LORD'S Day. Nothing should hinder your Worship and Service to Jesus. Remember to REST on Saturday and be FULLY Awake on Sunday so you can Give God you very Best.
Clear your Sunday Schedule and just write in - God's Time at His Church with His People!
Please INVITE friends and family members to Worship and Study God's Word with you. Nothing is MORE important than Reaching Souls for Jesus.
To turn American around, we need God's People to TURN to God, NOW. It is TIME for us to COME Together to Worship, Study the Bible and to CHANGE our World for Jesus. Let God's CHANGE begin with you!
Jesus Loves you! Do your actions show Jesus you love Him?
The LOVE of Jesus Drives us to LOVE GOD & Others...LET'S Go!
See you Sunday, Pastor Kip